HPC Basics

…beamtime. The front end machine is clu0-fe-1. The online cluster is only accessible within MAX IV, including over the maxiv_guest wifi network and at the beamline workstations. The offline cluster…


Below you find current vacancies still open for submission at MAX IV. We also advertise vacant positions on the Lund University website and through various media outlets and networks. We…

Spectroscopy Summer School

…will have the opportunity to present their projects to interact and network with other students, researchers, and beamline scientists. The Spectroscopy Summer School is mainly aimed at but is not…

About us

MAX IV Laboratory is a Swedish national laboratory providing scientists with the most brilliant X-rays for research with Lund University as the host university. The facility is funded primarily by…

Can additively manufactured steel be more corrosion resistant?

Modern-time manufacturing creates new challenges to tackle. So does additive manufacturing which is foreseen as the future of sustainable and cost-efficient production. Additive manufacturing (AM), known by many as 3D printing,…

HPC via Remote Desktop

…gives a brief description of how to install and run the ThinLinc desktop to connect to the MAX IV offline cluster assuming you are offsite and connecting with the white…