Research projects

…very strong electron pulse compression, Free Electron Laser (FEL) based techniques or a combination of compression and FEL schemes. The proposed project will start by exploring the capabilities in current…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…Engineered nanoparticles are increasingly being used for different applications. Over time they will be released into the environment. Some of the engineered nanoparticles are developed and introduced into the environment…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…the use of advanced laser light sources in Europe by efficient cross-community resource management, enhanced interoperability of the two types of light sources, ensured global competitiveness, and stimulated and supported

Safety requirements for contractors

…To ensure that no one remains inside the area, an accelerator area has to be searched before the accelerators can be started. During the search procedure, the orange light flashes…

Safety requirements for employees

…one of three categories: Controlled areas (high radiation level areas) Supervised areas (increased radiation levels may be present) Non-designated areas The figure shows the controlled areas (red) in the basement…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…Treesearch members (PI must be affiliated with an organisation within the Treesearch community and performing research within the Treesearch theme areas) can get privileged access to mainly ForMAX, but also…

HALOS – A unique collaboration in Life Science

…actions based on analyses and pilot projects, focusing on innovation, research mobility and business use of research facilities A common strategy for developing ÖKS-Hamburg into a globally competitive research region….