Nano-focused X-rays aid integrated circuit development

…and conditions. Due to the extremely small scale of interconnects and the complex metal stacks studying actual working chips is difficult. Instead, we are measuring on model chips. Using these results for


…an international workplace where over 50 different languages are represented. Few workplaces are as stimulating as Lund University, with its continuous contact with new knowledge and new generations of students…


There are a number of wireless networks on-site. Here is some information on the differences between the different networks. Available Wireless Network SSIDs maxiv_user Intended for use by visiting scientists…

Workshop: Industrial utilisation of MAX IV

…materials research as part of a recently completed project funded by Vetenskapsrådet (DNR: 2018-06378). The project has focused on tackling challenges that limit the industrial use of these types of…

Survey, Alignment and Mechanical stability

The Survey, Alignment and Mechanical stability (SAM) team is crucial during the design and installation of every component at Max IV. Our work starts during the design of each component,…

Accelerator Documentation – peer reviewed articles

…Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 884, 2018, Pages 92-96 S.C. Leemann, W.A. Wurtz  Improving Touschek lifetime in ultralow-emittance lattices through systematic application of successive closed vertical dispersion…

Mechanical Workshop

…milling. The mechanical workshop can provide various services, like welding, laser cutting, bending and wire cutting, as well as support with assembly.  The mechanical workshop works closely with the mechanical…