Conceptual design for three potential new beamlines developed with WISE

…November. Read more and register for workshops WISE Report – MAX IV and WISE – Summary of Existing Capabilities Register for the upcoming imaging and diffraction beamline…

Prepare sample shipments with EXI at MAX IV

…Invoice to MAX IV: customsDeclarationProForma_sendToMAXIV.pdf and Pro Forma Invoice from MAX IV: customsDeclarationProForma_returnFromMAXIV.pdf Be sure to use a proper description of the content of the shipment, as an example: “Dry…

SINCRYS – Single (micro) crystal X-ray diffraction

…derived structural information, the instrument will serve an extremely broad research community in academia as well as industry and spans from bioscience and pharmaceutical sciences across chemistry, materials and geoscience

Sample Delivery Systems

…flow with 30um diameter nozzle (pure water). In commissioning; PEEK tubing and filters. DEGASi PLUS Semi-Prep 4-ch 925μl degasser. Temperature Polyscience SD07R-20 chiller. Samples other solvents possible (pending approval by…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

the MXCuBE GUI or another program becomes unresponsive, check if other software runs on the remote desktop or your local computer before contacting staff. If your computer crashes or you…


buildings. The different new techniques developed for MAX IV will reduce energy consumption compared to traditional synchrotron facilities. The smaller magnets, the lower frequency used in the RF cavities and…

PyMCA XRF imaging guide

complicated sample compositions. This guide is not explaining how to use these options. Please read the PyMCA documentation pages. To achieve relative concentrations for comparative analysis, the parameter values on…