Meet the students

…employing machine learning tools to optimize parameters for specific resonant conditions within one-dimensional chains. Currently, my PhD research centers around resolving microsecond-scale fluctuations at the nanoscale in water solutions. The…

Access modes

…may be limited based on demand. Examples of available setups: Autoloader for liquid samples, BioSAXS (including SEC-SAXS), Gel/Solid samples, Disposable capillaries, Refillable capillaries. The choice of sample environment will depend…

Bio & Chem labs

…in-house research. The lab complements the various beamline-attached sample preparation facilities as well as the sample environment lab and are being developed to offer extended instrumentation access and support. The…


…manager. Commissioning Users Automated sample mounting and dismounting of samples in capillaries. Please contact beamline manager. See also BioMAX User Information. Beamline documents Macromolecular Crystallography Review Report (download PDF)…

User information

…course, be measured. A setup consisting of two ion TOF spectrometers is also available. It can be used to measure coincidences between negative ions and positive ions. A magnetic bottle


…admin privileges to install the client. In a web browser, open . Select the “DUO User Realm” and use the username and password from your DUO registration. A new page will…

Beamline development collaborations

…methods at MicroMAX available to the general user community and not only to experts in for example serial crystallography. The MicroMAX projects builds on a long history of close collaborations…