Creating tastier vegan cheese using synchrotron X-rays

…By using plant-based products, we contribute to a sustainable environment.” The research project is financially supported by the Swedish innovation agency, Vinnova. Interested in doing industrial research at MAX IV?…


…in microsecond time intervals. Thus, it complements already available diffraction and scattering beamlines such as DanMAX, CoSAXS, and ForMAX. Beamline presentation (PDF) OPERA Expression of Interest (PDF) An Imaging Beamline for Materials Science for Sustainability With…

How to apply

…by the PRISMAS management team based on expertise and experience. The list of selected eligible candidates is handed to the Local Evaluation Committee at the respective university. The committee invites the candidates to a first online interview. As the main Principal Investigator of the…


MAX IV’s videos and documentary material can mainly be found on our YouTube channel. Do you have a video idea? Reach out to Watch…

Submit a proposal

…images necessary for your proposal. You upload these one by one and it is possible to delete images if wrongly uploaded. Step 6: Results from previous proposals chevron_right In this…

Identifying chemical content to increase usefulness of solid waste ashes

…Jenny Rissler, Konstantin Klementiev, Jonas Dahl, Britt-Marie Steenari, Mar Edo, Identification and Quantification of Chemical Forms of Cu and Zn in MSWI Ashes Using XANES, Energy Fuels 2020, published online 23 September DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c02226…

User information

The PXRD2D instrument is now in normal user operation. In parallel we are preparing for the installation of the imaging instrument (expected to arrive in Q3 2023) and procuring the…