User information

…lab booking tool with your DUO credentials If logon is successful, you shall see the list of available labs. For information on booking Bio- and Chemistry labs, please, refer to…

Post beamtime

…policy pages for the formal statement. Björling et al., Optics Express (2020), for the coherent nanofocused beam. Johansson et al., Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (2021), for the beamline instrumentation and…

Science at NanoMAX

…A central reason is that applications of micro‐ and nanobeams can be found in all major natural science fields, such as materials science, life science, earth science, nanoscience, as well…

Survey, Alignment and Mechanical stability

…our global CAD model. Our alignment reference network consists of more than 3000 points and has a RMS error of less than 100µm.  When the components for the accelerators and…

Honeycomb silicon carbide: a research surprise

Researchers reported a potential technique to grow large-area monolayer honeycomb SiC with a bottom-up synthesis process. The material is predicted to have a large direct band gap (2.5 eV), ambient…

Data Access

…to use silx view ( which is available on the control computers. As the area detector data is compressed using a bit-shuffle algorithm, it is necessary to install hdf5plugin (….

User information AFM

…Support Microscopy labs research infrastructure) in DUO when submitting their proposals. The next proposal call opens 2023-09-05, will close on 2023-09-26 and covers beamtimes for the period Februari – August…

Microscopy labs

…the users mention Support Microscopy labs research infrastructure in their DUO beamtime application when submitting the proposals. The next proposal call opens 2023-09-05, will close on 2023-09-26 and covers beamtimes…