Accelerator Documentation – peer reviewed articles

…587, 2008, pages 221-226 M. Eriksson, L.-J. Lindgren, M. Sjöström, E. Wallén, L. Rivkin, A. Streun Prototype soft end dipole magnet for MAX-IV, fabrication and measurements Nucl. Instr. and…

Additive manufacturing

…Free preform UV activated resin Build 14x14x17cm Layer 100-25μm Safety constraints Links Ultimaker manual: Ultimaker software: MarkTwo manual: MarkTwo software: Form2 manual: Form2 software:…

Beamline optics

…all slope errors and heat load deformations on these mirrors are diminished in the dispersion plane in a well-known manner. Optical element  M1 common M2 common PG common M3 Branch…

How to apply

…by the PRISMAS management team based on expertise and experience. The list of selected eligible candidates is handed to the Local Evaluation Committee at the respective university. The committee invites the candidates to a first online interview. As the main Principal Investigator of the…

Beamline optics

Overview The beamline is sourced by a quasi-periodic elliptically polarizing undulator (qEPU). A toroidal mirror M1 collects the diverging beam from the undulator and collimates it vertically (in the dispersive…

Post beamtime

…the motors sx and sy were recorded, providing 100 motor positions and 100 detector images. The main file also contains the scan command used, as well as a snapshot of…

SINCRYS – Single (micro) crystal X-ray diffraction

…the synchrotron radiation (the 9th harmonic, ~21.0 keV) from the DanMAX undulator will be diverted to the SINCRYS experimental hutch. The beamsplitter diffracts within a narrow bandwidth with a reflectivity close to 100% and thus effectively…