PRISMAS PhD Programme

committed to educating fellows with outstanding capabilities who will carry forward new insights and experiences to society and their research fields. PRISMAS includes an on-site secondment at the large-scale research…

Guides and Checklists

…of gases in ionization chambers. This typically is done by the beamline staff during office hours and requires 30-60 minutes. XRD is only offered to XAS users as a complimentary…

User information

…(See: Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to be chosen by the advisory committee. If access…

Sample Delivery Systems

…of atoms/molecules/clusters. Since the source is shared with other LDM beamlines, it is essential to discuss the availability and status with the LDM team or beamline staff well in advance….

Safety requirements for users

…document Guide to providing information in ESRA.pdf Update DUO Users are required to update all samples relevant for their experiment including chemicals and gases in DUO consistent to information in…