Prepare sample shipments with EXI at MAX IV

Since the end of 2020 all the sample information and associated data at BioMAX is handled by EXI (Extended ISPyB). EXI is also used to generate identifying labels for the…

Drug discovery

…drug candidates to target proteins. Using the beamlines and tools at MAX IV, researchers from drug discovery companies find brand new starting points for developing novel pharmaceutical substances.  Easy and…

HALOS – A unique collaboration in Life Science

…Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Germany, MAX IV and ESS in Sweden, DESY, the European XFEL in Germany, the Medicon Valley Alliance (MVA), industry in MedTech, BioTech and Pharma, Region Skåne, the Capital Region of Denmark and the City of Hamburg. In…


MAX IV’s videos and documentary material can mainly be found on our YouTube channel. Do you have a video idea? Reach out to Watch…

HPC Basics

…–tasks-per-node=48 #SBATCH –nodelist=cn8,cn9 # filenames stdout and stderr – customise, include %j #SBATCH -o process_%j.out #SBATCH -e process_%j.err # write this script to stdout-file – useful for scripting errors cat $0…

Sample Environments

…are provided. For transmission geometry measurements two types of standard holders are being used at NanoMAX. The first, OMNY pins, can be used at both the diffraction and the imaging…