Magnet power supplies

In the laboratory we have different types of magnet power supplies Itest corrector power supplies bipolar, output power +- 100 watt CAENels output power 0,4-1,5 kilowatts Delta Elektronika output power

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

the MXCuBE GUI or another program becomes unresponsive, check if other software runs on the remote desktop or your local computer before contacting staff. If your computer crashes or you…

IT Environment at BioMAX

…from the beamline computers or biomax-remote, but it is possible to log in to it remotely from the users’ home computer. Please refer to these instructions. Unlike the beamline computers,…

Advisory bodies

MAC – MAX IV Machine Advisory Committee The MAX IV Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) supervises and follows the commissioning, operation and upgrades of the accelerators at the MAX IV facility….

Meet the students

…focused on exploring compound interactions in enzymatic binding pockets. I will combine the structural information from the BioMax beamline at MAXIV with the development of computational methods to efficiently iterate…


…in microsecond time intervals. Thus, it complements already available diffraction and scattering beamlines such as DanMAX, CoSAXS, and ForMAX. Beamline presentation (PDF) OPERA Expression of Interest (PDF) An Imaging Beamline for Materials Science for Sustainability With…