
…Karlstad University, Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Luleå University of Technology, Stockholm University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå University, University of Gothenburg and Uppsala University….

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…VPN connection to MAX IV and the Thinlinc client (remote desktop) to log in to the HPC front end computer. The offline cluster has fewer nodes than the online cluster,…

HPC Basics

computers, but it is possible to log in to it remotely using the VPN. The HPC is maintained in cooperation with LUNARC (Lund University Computing Center) and so has a…

User organisations

…Linköping University E-mail: Saroj Prasad Dash, Chalmers University Research profile: E-mail: Rainer Timm, Lund University E-mail: Minna Patanen, University of Oulu Research profile: E-mail: Swedish Synchrotron…

Major funders

…Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation Chalmers University of Technology Karlstad University Karolinska Institutet Linnaeus University Luleå University of Technology Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Umeå University Uppsala University Finnish universities…

Guide to IT services

…a small cluster compared to what one would find at dedicated supercomputing centers. It is maintained in cooperation with LUNARC (Lund University Computing Center) the cluster has a very similar…


…in microsecond time intervals. Thus, it complements already available diffraction and scattering beamlines such as DanMAX, CoSAXS, and ForMAX. Beamline presentation (PDF) OPERA Expression of Interest (PDF) An Imaging Beamline for Materials Science for Sustainability With…