IT Environment at BioMAX

…desktop to use the classic window manager. Desktop icons The standard desktop on all the beamline machine contains several icons that fast-link to useful applications for the experiment, like the…

Globus Connect for data transfer

…image below will appear, click on the Get Globus Connect Personal link. Next, download and install Globus Connect Personal software in your computer, using the link corresponding to your operating system. Follow the on-screen instructions…

PyMCA XRF imaging guide

…the following way: /data/visitors/nanomax/[proposal]/[session]/ with sub directories raw, process, photos, macros and logs. The electronic logbook is typically stored in the logs directory The guide will help you to load…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…on the first page (“General”) upon proposal creation: Contact For more information, please contact Daniel Söderberg (Director Treesearch). Transnational access A list of European projects for transnational access that MAX…


…normal app stores. Download and install The client software can be dowloaded with a web browser from the VPN server at MAX IV after authenticating. All platforms will require local…

One Time Password (OTP)

…the application Scan the QR-code Confirm by typing in a generated code Many fail to complete this last step. It must show the text in green “Security code successfully verified”….