
MAX IV Laboratory is a Swedish national laboratory hosted by Lund University (Swedish Code of Statutes SFS 1994 946 / SFS 2011 1567). Lund University is the legal entity of the laboratory. The…


The analysis chamber hosts a VT XA STM (ScientaOmicron). The microscope has recently (2019) been upgraded so that non-contact AFM via QPlus sensors became possible. Most of our users run…

HPC Basics

…dedicated supercomputing centers. There are currently two sub-clusters nick-named “online” and “offline” cluster. The names are referring to their intended usage: The online cluster, dedicated to data analysis during the…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…SSX experiments, several input files for CrystFEL are generated automatically for each data set collected. The files are located in raw images folder, in a subdirectory called process. For example,…

SCIENTÍFika series

…“valleytronics”.2 The underlying valley–spin splittings can be tuned via the application of external magnetic fields, however, only modest changes are typically realised. Here, using microscopic-area spatially- and angle-resolved photoemission at…

The MAX IV facility

…a 3 GeV storage ring for electrons. MAX IV is the first worldwide realisation of a fourth-generation light source, which has opened opportunities to develop experimental techniques based on outstanding…


…the web services, from the OS settings to the specific role (workstation, database, IOC, web server) in the MAX IV ecosystem. A extra bonus: it’s open source. terminal Controls software…