…supported at BioMAX. Available for Technique description General Users Conventional rotation data collection (fixed point or helical) at a wide range of energies and variable beam size. General Users Automated

Olof Karis becomes Director for MAX IV

…Research Council in November. He has also navigated challenges related to increasing operating costs. “I am enthusiastic about the possibility of continuing to work for MAX IV. It is a…

MetalBeams online seminar

…will be online. The focus will be on industrial pilot projects which received funding from the first Vinnova calls in 2018. Registration deadline: April 10th. Contact Selma Maric or Magnus Larsson for more information….

Catalysis Cell

…on catalytic and surface science type systems at mbar pressures. For the time-resolved APXPS please check Time-resolved APXPS page Description Small volume (1 L) cell with controllable gas supply. Standard…


…a particular experimental need. The two current cells are the standard cell and atomic layer deposition cell, each equipped with mass spectrometry capabilities. The standard cell will soon be modified