User organisations

…Linköping University E-mail: Saroj Prasad Dash, Chalmers University Research profile: E-mail: Rainer Timm, Lund University E-mail: Minna Patanen, University of Oulu Research profile: E-mail: Swedish Synchrotron…

Safety requirements for contractors

ditt arbete. Vänligen visa riskbedömningen för din kontaktperson på MAX IV före eller vid ankomst. Det kan finnas fler risker att ta i beaktande på anläggningen. Mer information hittar du…


…SciCat. Click on the link you will be send to Globus website. On Globus website you will be asked to log in if you haven’t done that already or create…

Advisory bodies

…Søren Pape Møller (Chair), Director ISA, Aarhus University, Denmark Montse Pont, ALBA Synchrotron, Spain Qing Qin, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Timur Shaftan, Brookhaven National Laboratory, US Richard Walker, Diamond…

Crystal requirements

…The compounds from all our fragment libraries are dissolved in DMSO and the FragMAXlib library is additionally dissolved in Ethylene glycol. In a typical experiment, we would prepare a 10…

sftp data transfer

…download file reput [-fPpRr] [local] remote Resume upload file help Display this help text lcd path Change local directory to ‘path’ lls [ls-options [path]] Display local directory listing lmkdir path…

HPC via Remote Desktop

The online and offline HPCs can be accessed via the ThinLinc client, a commercial product developed by Cendio. Clients for Linux, Windows or Mac are available for download. This page…


There are a number of wireless networks on-site. Here is some information on the differences between the different networks. Available Wireless Network SSIDs maxiv_user Intended for use by visiting scientists…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…is useful because you can open different programs in different spaces (eg, you can run MXCuBE, Albula and ISPyB in different spaces to make more room for each GUI). If…