PyMCA XRF imaging guide

complicated sample compositions. This guide is not explaining how to use these options. Please read the PyMCA documentation pages. To achieve relative concentrations for comparative analysis, the parameter values on…

MXCuBE3 at BioMAX – User Guide

…Mount. If the hutch is searched, this command will also enable automatically the sample changer. Once the sample is visible on the video screen, follow the steps in the sections…

MAX IV’s role in the Government’s Research Bill

…The Swedish Research Council’s report “Research Quality and International Competitiveness” “MAX IV must be given the financial possibility for the technological development required to maintain its position at the international…


…the computer resources MAX IV users can use the MAX IV Local Computer round SUPR -> Rounds -> Compute Rounds -> Centre Local Compute -> MAX IV compute Acknowledgement for the…

Accelerator Documentation – peer reviewed articles

…Olsson, S.C. Leemann, G. Georgiev, G. Paraskaki Simultaneous computation of intrabunch and interbunch collective beam motions in storage rings Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators,…

Meet the students

…focused on exploring compound interactions in enzymatic binding pockets. I will combine the structural information from the BioMax beamline at MAXIV with the development of computational methods to efficiently iterate…

Selection process for research projects

…in the first Recruitment Call of Doctoral Students. 13 additional research projects have been chosen following below described selection process. Those research projects will be offered in the second Recruitment…

Sample environments and equipment

…normal X-ray data files but time stamps are collected in both datasets to align them in the data analysis. (Compatible with PXRD2D and Imaging) PandABox ( used for handling triggering…