Meet the students

…focuses on utilizing nanocellulose-based materials for water treatment applications, aiming to uncover surface interactions, structural dynamics, and chemistry through in-situ studies using synchrotron techniques, under the guidance of Professor Aji…

sftp data transfer

…recursively download the whole directory. get -R <dir> Using the “help” argument will give you a list of available commands. sftp help Available commands: bye Quit sftp cd path Change…

Importing sample information list as a CSV file

…a plain text format mainly used to store tabular data. CSV means Comma-Separated Values then each value is separated with a comma. Example: Dewar1,MX001,Unipuck,1,HEWL,xtal101,,P43212,77.4,77.4,37.2,90,90,90,,,,,,,,,Lysozyme test crystal This line describes a…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…facility, as well as Guaranteed Access Time (GAT). GAT is based on the financial contribution equivalent (staff, equipment, operation funding, investments performed) in the contract and is calculated annually. Members…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…close the Thinlinc window by mistake, simply log in again. You should be reconnected to the old session, as long as the “End existing session” checkbox is unchecked. Problems during…

HPC Basics

…add arguments if required mpirun -n 96 python /mxn/nanomax/sw/CDIsuite/ –path=/data/nanomax/prn20161125/ –file=GIA_sxw.h5 –scan=12 –scratch=$TMPDIR Get statistics on completed jobs Once your job has completed, you can get additional information that was not…