Meet the students

…University in the department of Physics and Astronomy within the division of X-ray Photon Science. My research is based on the study of corrosion of alloys using a combination of…

sftp data transfer

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a commonly used protocol for transferring data. There are clients available for almost any platform that one can think of. It is available as…

Importing sample information list as a CSV file

…Since 2024, the CSV sample list can also be used to supply data collection parameters for automated exporiments (for eligible projects only). Why CSV file? chevron_right A CSV file is…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…Finnish privileged access, FIMAX Per the FIMAX collaboration agreement, Finnish users (PI must be affiliated with a Finnish member/supported University) can get privileged access to MAX IV beamlines in full…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…SSX experiments, several input files for CrystFEL are generated automatically for each data set collected. The files are located in raw images folder, in a subdirectory called process. For example,…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…connections and the current requirements for remote experiments. Click on each of the links below for information on each topic. If you need more information or help to determine if…