Meet the students

…focused on exploring compound interactions in enzymatic binding pockets. I will combine the structural information from the BioMax beamline at MAXIV with the development of computational methods to efficiently iterate…

sftp data transfer

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a commonly used protocol for transferring data. There are clients available for almost any platform that one can think of. It is available as…

Importing sample information list as a CSV file

…a plain text format mainly used to store tabular data. CSV means Comma-Separated Values then each value is separated with a comma. Example: Dewar1,MX001,Unipuck,1,HEWL,xtal101,,P43212,77.4,77.4,37.2,90,90,90,,,,,,,,,Lysozyme test crystal This line describes a…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…evaluated and ranked. They are also forwarded to the dedicated Committee of the Estonian Consortium where a selection is made as to which proposals are to be granted access through…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…SSX experiments, several input files for CrystFEL are generated automatically for each data set collected. The files are located in raw images folder, in a subdirectory called process. For example,…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…connected to the remote desktop. The problem clears after rebooting the computer. Video tutorials chevron_right The following video tutorials illustrate some of the procedures documented above to connect remotely to…