Science at NanoMAX

…A central reason is that applications of micro‐ and nanobeams can be found in all major natural science fields, such as materials science, life science, earth science, nanoscience, as well…

Access modes

…on FA, please refer to this page: Proprietary access chevron_right The complete beamline setup is available for Proprietary users, please contact the MAX IV Industrial Relations Office for further…

Guns and linear accelerator

The MAX IV linac serves two purposes: it’s a continuous top-up injector to both storage rings, but it also accelerates and compresses electron bunches for the short-pulse facility. The linac…

MAX IV – Main

…download the report with highlights and key statistics. Microgel properties in X-ray spotlight chevron_right Microgels are versatile soft colloids used for example as pharmaceutical carriers or for sensing applications. In…

Proposal Writing Guide

…technical feasibility. Properly explain the specifics of samples and address how you will handle potential concerns. E.g. state, size, concentrations, contamination, beam damage, etc. Provide clear experimental conditions, max pressure,…

Access modes

Below are the access modes the beamline participates in, and potentially useful notes regarding what is offered for each: Standard access chevron_right The standard peer reviewed access mode at MAX…

Industrial use of spectroscopy at LSI

…and Jernkontoret. Topics will cover relevant techniques and methods for: – Studying the solid-liquid interface – Understanding complex alloys – Revealing lateral variations in the passive film on duplex stainless…

User access

…Proposals Find your beamline MAX IV Access modes Think safety Act safely Learn all about the different safety measures through our MAX IV Safety Handbook. Safety at MAX IV chevron_right…