Accelerator Development Group

…LINAC collective effect studies beam diagnostics beam dynamic studies determination and implementation of low emittance test optics dynamics of R1 injection design of the lattice for the upgrade of MAX…

Insertion devices

…also equipped with the required infrastructure for IO and motion tests for the ID’s to minimize tunnel access during ID’s installation. Overview of the ID Magnetic Measurement Laboratory Two laser…

User information

…USB-C connector and the latest version of NoMachine. Finally, answers to most of the frequent questions are found on these pages. It is the responsibility of the main proposer to…

Virtual Characterisation Day

Are you an industry R&D leader or researcher with an interest in the latest developments within Big Science? On November 3rd, 2021 you are welcome to join the online event Virtual…

Riverine iron survives salty exit to sea

…upstream and at river mouths during high spring flows. Artificial seawater mixing experiments tested the iron species stability in solution to determine the likelihood that species will settle in river…


…in research infrastructure, is one of the brightest sources of X-rays worldwide and replaced the existing laboratory MAX I-III accelerators in 2016. Many see the opportunity to be a part…


…their machines to the facility, with focus on keeping people and machines safe. Working areas The team works on the entire process of automation control including design, installation, and test

Experimental station

…detectors 7-element SDD, 2-20 keV In operation yes 7-element Ge detector, 5-40 keV In operation yes Pulse processor electronics Xspress 3, tested up to 2 Mcps/element with SDD In operation…