Previous SCIENTÍFika

…mbar range. The differentially pumped beamline entrance and analyser of the NAP endstation enable measurements routinely up to 30 mbar. A small NEXAFS endstation is separated from the beamline by…

Research projects

…nanoscale fluctuations with X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy at MAX IV chevron_right Project title: Resolving microsecond nanoscale fluctuations with X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy at MAX IV PRISMAS Research Area: Clean Energy…

Safety requirements for contractors

…ute ur hytten. För att säkerställa att ingen är kvar i strålrörshytten måste den sökas av innan strålning tillåts. Under avsökningsproceduren blinkar den orange lampan på panelen och sirenen med…

Safety requirements for employees

…ett strålrör vid SPF:en, fem strålrör vid 1,5 GeV-ringen samt tio strålrör vid 3 GeV-ringen. Varje strålrör har minst en strålrörshytt (en optikhytt). Hårdröntgenstrålrören vid 3 GeV-ringen har även experimenthytter….

Collaborations offering beamtime

…upon proposal creation:     Contact For more information, please contact the Estonian Consortium coordinator Marco Kirm. Treesearch consortium chevron_right Treesearch privileged access, Treesearch consortium Per the Treesearch collaboration agreement,…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…scientific excellence and translational research potential. Performing networking and training activities, such as practical courses and workshops, to enlarge and strengthen the structural biology community. Undertaking joint research activities, to…

Photoelectron spectroscopy

…impinge on a sample, and the emitted electrons have a kinetic energy given by the difference between the photon energy and the electron binding energy. At the FlexPES beamline, the

Electron Spectroscopy

…kinetic energy given by the difference between the photon energy and the electron binding energy. At the FlexPES beamline, the photon energy range is between 40-1500 eV, and there are…

HALOS – A unique collaboration in Life Science

…cooperation and research projects Improved and formalized networks between universities to provide optimum development environments for researchers Agreements between ÖKS-Hamburg organisations in Life Science research and innovation Establishing an integrated…

MAX IV’s role in the Government’s Research Bill

…infrastructures and establish a long-term, stable funding system. This is described as fundamental for Sweden to reach the Government’s overarching research policy goals and enable research of the highest quality…