Research projects

…very strong electron pulse compression, Free Electron Laser (FEL) based techniques or a combination of compression and FEL schemes. The proposed project will start by exploring the capabilities in current…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…initiative hosting students for secondment periods. Project duration: 2023-2027 ReMade@ARI chevron_right The research infrastructure project ReMade@ARI, which deals with innovative materials for key components in various areas such…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…with a complex chemistry. Common to all thin-film solar cell technologies is the strong correlation between device performance and nano-structure of the photo-active layer, interfaces and electrodes. With a combination…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…Treesearch members (PI must be affiliated with an organisation within the Treesearch community and performing research within the Treesearch theme areas) can get privileged access to mainly ForMAX, but also…

Safety requirements for contractors

search procedure in the area behind the door is in progress and is lit when the search is complete. The red light indicates that a radiation hazard is present in…

Safety requirements for employees

…the door is lit. The orange light flashes when a search procedure of the area behind the door is in progress and is lit when the search is complete. The…

Accelerator Documentation – peer reviewed articles

…Olsson, S.C. Leemann, G. Georgiev, G. Paraskaki Simultaneous computation of intrabunch and interbunch collective beam motions in storage rings Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators,…

Sample environments and equipment

…based on a Standa 8MT50 stages with rotary encodes and a full step resolution of 5 µm. Scan length 200 mm. This stage is compatible with fast continuous scanning (fly scans)….