How to apply

…by the PRISMAS management team based on expertise and experience. The list of selected eligible candidates is handed to the Local Evaluation Committee at the respective university. The committee invites the candidates to a first online interview. As the main Principal Investigator of the…

Prepare sample shipments with EXI at MAX IV

…shipping labels. To import a CSV file, use the link above the parcel pane. Fill the sample information online Click the Add parcel button. Fill up the parcel name (must…


…connect The username and the password are the same as the DUO account credentials Finally enter the OTP code from your OTP App. When the connection is established the taskbar…

Safety requirements for users

…Submit your ESRA The principal investigator will receive the request for ESRA via email from Users are recommended to submit the ESRA as early as possible and not later…

User Policies

…remote/mail-in). Here, it is the responsibility of the individual users to ensure prior to entering MAX IV that they are authorized to enter into the Terms & Conditions on behalf…

Post beamtime

…and mac, use the hdf5plugin module. The most convenient way is to use Anaconda, in which the following command installs the necessary package. conda install -c conda-forge hdf5plugin Basic experimental…

MXCuBE3 at BioMAX – User Guide

…samples to the queue. The samples in the queue will be highlighted in blue. To remove a sample from the queue, right click on the sample and select Dequeue sample….