For Applicants

…in various research areas, ranging from experimental and theoretical physics, accelerator science, materials science, life science, environmental science, medicine and health to clean energy. The PRISMAS program is designed to…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

earlier than expected, type “exit” to release the node. An alternative way to run DIALS is through the CCP4i2 interface (accessed through Applications → PreSTO → CCP4 → CCP4 Interface


…browser, with access to stored experimental data, as well as home and group folders in the central storage system. Simple ready off-the-shelf as well as configurable persistent user defined environments…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…and acetylcoenzyme A (AcCoA), the enzyme choline O acetyltransferase (ChAT) synthesizes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in neurons, T cells and B cells. Although ChAT plays a crucial role in acetylcholine metabolism…

Programme & Partners

…EU Missions, with a strong interest in contributing to healthy people, a healthy planet, clean energy, sustainable technologies and developed accelerator science. A collaborative, EU COFUND-funded program PRISMAS has received

User organisations

…as the user community is growing rapidly and more scientific disciplines are represented as users at MAX IV. In view of this FASM will introduce a number of proposals aimed

Universities and partners

…students. The universities (Implementing Partners) and Associated Partners (including market-leading industrial partners) host the PRISMAS students during their studies. These stays are tailored to the PhD project of each PRISMAS…