…to incorporate an external photon source (e.g. photocatalysis) while two new cells are under development and intended for electrochemistry and sulfur chemistry investigations. The end station is especially well suited…

User information

…(See: https://www.maxiv.lu.se/users/proposal-calls/) Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to be chosen by the advisory committee. If access…

Post beamtime

…The following page contains details and instructions on how to proceed. https://www.maxiv.lu.se/beamlines-accelerators/controls-it/it-services/ Data format NanoMAX records data as compressed hdf5 files, a binary file type which stores data in a…

Science at NanoMAX

…of MAX IV should make coherent imaging techniques an interesting application at the NanoMAX beamline. Talk: Utilizing the coherent beam at the NanoMAX instrument Dr. Alexander Björling – 2021-04-13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3D1HKzw730…

Survey, Alignment and Mechanical stability

…the facility. Meet our colleagues In the video below you can meet two of our colleagues explaining how it is to work as a SAM engineer at Max IV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JueNflX_VW4…

Honeycomb silicon carbide: a research surprise

…what it means. “Before this work, it was unclear if it was even possible,” Polley said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78gfeq-yd8g Read more on the research: Bottom-up Growth of Monolayer Honeycomb SiC (Arxiv.org, 2023)…

Data Access

…to use silx view (http://www.silx.org/doc/silx/latest/install.html) which is available on the control computers. As the area detector data is compressed using a bit-shuffle algorithm, it is necessary to install hdf5plugin (https://pypi.org/project/hdf5plugin/)….

User information AFM

…2023 (See: https://www.maxiv.lu.se/users/proposal-calls/) Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to be chosen by the advisory committee….

Microscopy labs

…for the period Februari – August 2023 (See: https://www.maxiv.lu.se/users/proposal-calls/) Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to…