sftp data transfer

…Create local directory ln [-s] oldpath newpath Link remote file (-s for symlink) lpwd Print local working directory ls [-1afhlnrSt] [path] Display remote directory listing lumask umask Set local umask…

Importing sample information list as a CSV file

…Hen Egg White Lysozyme crystal, located in the position 1 of a Unipuck labeled ‘MX001’ included in a parcel called ‘Dewar1’. Optional or unused columns can be left empty, although…

PyMCA XRF imaging guide

…the following way: /data/visitors/nanomax/[proposal]/[session]/ with sub directories raw, process, photos, macros and logs. The electronic logbook is typically stored in the logs directory The guide will help you to load…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…login credentials. The remote desktop is configured to look like the workstations at BioMAX and is part of the same computing environment. Links to MXCuBE3 and EXI and software to…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…on the first page (“General”) upon proposal creation: Contact For more information, please contact Daniel Söderberg (Director Treesearch). Transnational access A list of European projects for transnational access that MAX…

User information

…DanMAX, is the ‘Mini chemical lab’. To book the usage of any chemical lab, please use the following link below and book the lab at least 2 weeks in advance….

Safety requirements for users

…lab webpage. Additional Training Based on the experiment being carried out, you will be notified prior to the arrival on additional training that you may have to perform e.g. laser…

Sample Delivery Systems

…turbo pumps Compatible beamlines / end stations FlexPES, FinEstBeAMS, ICE Liquid microjet source FlexPES Sketch of new differential pumping insert for the liquid jet experiment at FlexPES: Manipulator Z-travel 400…