Microscopy labs

…for the period Februari – August 2023 (See: https://www.maxiv.lu.se/users/proposal-calls/) Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to…


…one for full field imaging instrument, one versatile powder diffraction setup using an area detector and a high resolution powder X-ray diffraction instrument using a microstrip detector. DanMAX is primarily…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…processing are stored under the ‘/data/visitors/biomax/’proposal’/’date’/process’ subdirectory (or ‘/data/proprietary/biomax/’proposal’/’date’/process’ for proprietary proposals) , but you can also inspect the results in EXI running on a remote browser and download them…

Science at Balder

…spectral features; a diagonal cut of the RIXS is the HERFD XANES (fixed emission energy). For more information and references, please see: Pieter Glatzel’s introduction to XAS/XES (http://www.pieter-glatzel.de/XASXES.html) X-ray Emission Detected…

User information

…check Fast Access page for more details. Please contact beamline personnel for current schedule. For information how to apply for the fast access, please visit https://www.maxiv.lu.se/user-access/access-modes/fast-access/ Scanning probe microscopy If…

LINXS Science Day on New Materials

…strengths (and possible gaps) in the fields of energy and sustainability. Speakers connected to MAX IV include Dr Jan Knudsen, Dr Calle Preger, and Dr Thai Pham, and the Director…