
…S and Zn pathophysiology of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis” – Bryan Falcones, Lund University (SE) 14:40 “Biomineral structure of lizard osteoderm capping tissue” – Adrian Rodriguez Århus University (DK) 15:00 ☕…

Proposal submission

…calls are named according to their beamtime period, and not when the call itself opens, hence the (approximations): Spring call for proposals opens in September, for beamtime in March-August Fall…

Data access and processing

Data access Data from DanMAX is stored centrally at MAX IV and is available for further processing using MAX IV resources – or for download using either the Globus connect…

User information

Fall 2024 run. Since this functionality overlaps with BioMAX we strongly encourage users to apply for both beamlines so that the choice of beamline can be decided at the time…

PXRD2D: Powder diffraction with area detector

…drift detector, RAYSPEC SiriusSDD, fluorescence detector is mounted on the outboard side of the instrument in a backscattering geometry. The signal is subsequently processed in a FalconX pulse processor. The…

Crystal requirements

…not entirely objective, it is obvious to most practitioners that all stages of the experiments are simpler with easy-to-handle crystals that do not fall into pieces at first sight and…