A record year for research at MAX IV

The data from 2023 indicates a rapidly growing interest to conduct research at MAX IV. The latest Open Call, which closed in March 2024, received an all-time high of 459…

Experimental station

Once completed, the DanMAX experiment station will host two instruments for powder diffraction and one for full-field imaging and tomography. Currently, we have the first of the powder diffraction instruments,…


The analysis chamber hosts a VT XA STM (ScientaOmicron). The microscope has recently (2019) been upgraded so that non-contact AFM via QPlus sensors became possible. Most of our users run…

Technical Infrastructure

The Technical Infrastructure team is part of Engineering II and is in charge of Cooling, Ventilation, Compressed air, Cryo and gas systems. The team supports the entire MAX IV laboratory…

Workshop: Industrial utilisation of MAX IV

MAX IV, RISE, and Swerim invite you to the workshop Paving the way for industrial utilisation of MAX IV, focusing on increased industrial utility and availability of MAX IV for…


Beamline Staff Below you will find the FinEstBeAMS beamline team Antti Kivimäki Beamline Manager Responsibilities: Beamline manager FinEstBeAMS, Gas-phase end station E-mail: Antti.Kivimaki@maxiv.lu.se Phone: +46462226577 Kirill Chernenko Research Engineer Responsibilities:…