Experimental station

…only slightly between the three instruments. The beam size at the PXRD2D instrument is about 1.2 mm and can be focused to below 20 µm (vertical) for most energies. The…


…from/to most of the beamlines at 1.5 GeV ring and HiPPiE at 3 GeV ring without breaking the ultra-high vacuum conditions. Analysis chamber specifications Base pressure 7×10-11 mbar Sample heating…

Technical Infrastructure

The Technical Infrastructure team is part of Engineering II and is in charge of Cooling, Ventilation, Compressed air, Cryo and gas systems. The team supports the entire MAX IV laboratory…

Workshop: Industrial utilisation of MAX IV

…materials research as part of a recently completed project funded by Vetenskapsrådet (DNR: 2018-06378). The project has focused on tackling challenges that limit the industrial use of these types of…


Beamline Staff Below you will find the FinEstBeAMS beamline team Antti Kivimäki Beamline Manager Responsibilities: Beamline manager FinEstBeAMS, Gas-phase end station E-mail: Antti.Kivimaki@maxiv.lu.se Phone: +46462226577 Kirill Chernenko Research Engineer Responsibilities:…