Accelerator Documentation – Internal Notes

R3 beam dynamics High-Chromaticity_Optics_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Storage_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20090902_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20100318_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20100512_Pulsed_Magnet_Injection_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20101101_Updated_Lattice_120614.pdf Internal_Note_20101203_Magnet_Synchronization_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20110117_Updated_Lattice_120612.pdf Internal_Note_20111124_Updated_Lattice_120611.pdf Internal_Note_20121107_Updated_Lattice_140129.pdf Internal_Note_20130724_OCO_Modeling_141009.pdf Internal_Note_20150129_MIK_Analysis_150130.pdf Internal_Note_20150930_MW_Threshold.pdf insertion devices Internal_Note_20090922_Insertion_Devices_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Storage_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20100215_Insertion_Devices_for_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20101209_Elliptically_Polarising_Undulators_with_11_mm_Magnetic_Gap_at_the_MAX_IV_3_GeV_Ring.pdf Internal_Note_20111110_Comparison_Brilliance_MAX_IV_NSLS-II.pdf Internal_Note_20111220_Elliptically_polarizing_undulators_for_the_Arpes_beamline_at_the_Solaris_Light_Source.pdf R1 beam dynamics Internal_Note_20100820_M5_Pulsed_Sextupole_Injection_120611.pdf Internal_Note_20111102_Updated_Lattice_120611.pdf Internal_Note_20120313_Updated_Lattice_120611.pdf Internal_Note_20120904_Updated_Lattice_120913.pdf Internal_Note_20140526_High-chromaticity_1.5GeV_140604.pdf

Advisory bodies

MAC – MAX IV Machine Advisory Committee The MAX IV Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) supervises and follows the commissioning, operation and upgrades of the accelerators at the MAX IV facility….

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…To log in remotely from outside MAX IV to the “offline” cluster (offline-fe1), users need to download and install in their home computer the Pulse Secure software to establish a…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…login credentials. The remote desktop is configured to look like the workstations at BioMAX and is part of the same computing environment. Links to MXCuBE3 and EXI and software to…

Sample Delivery Systems

…denied. Disposal Catcher, which must be emptied periodically Vacuum Large volume vacuum vessel with two manipulators. Top manipulator holds the microjet; bottom manipulator holds the catcher (300 ml). Cell access…

PyMCA XRF imaging guide

…to get started with the practical moments of XRF imaging analysis. Useful links: PyMCA home page: PyMCA documentation: PyMCA mailing list: PyMCA program download: ImageJ, a…


the computer resources MAX IV users can use the MAX IV Local Computer round SUPR -> Rounds -> Compute Rounds -> Centre Local Compute -> MAX IV compute Acknowledgement for the

HPC Basics

The High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster is a central resource available at MAX IV for users and staff. It is a small cluster compared to what one would find at…