Practical information

…you start your trip and that no tickets are sold on the tram. Taxi To book a taxi, contact Cabonline +46 8 744 9560 or book online at The


the computer resources MAX IV users can use the MAX IV Local Computer round SUPR -> Rounds -> Compute Rounds -> Centre Local Compute -> MAX IV compute Acknowledgement for the

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…processing directory contains the following files: crystfel.geom : Geometrical description of the experiment setup. file.lst: A list of the image files in the data set. A shell script to…

Prepare sample shipments with EXI at MAX IV

…Invoice to MAX IV: customsDeclarationProForma_sendToMAXIV.pdf and Pro Forma Invoice from MAX IV: customsDeclarationProForma_returnFromMAXIV.pdf Be sure to use a proper description of the content of the shipment, as an example: “Dry…

HPC Basics

…dedicated supercomputing centers. There are currently two sub-clusters nick-named “onlineand “offline” cluster. The names are referring to their intended usage: The online cluster, dedicated to data analysis during the

IT Environment at BioMAX

…chevron_right There are two HPC clusters available to all MAX IV users: The online cluster, dedicated to data analysis during the beamtime. The front end machine is clu0-fe-1. The online

Meet the students

…crystallography, and Drug design & discovery.  Email: Evelina Gorjatšova Lund University, Sweden Closing the Loop: Chemical Speciation using XAS a Key for Safe Secondary Use of Materials My background…