Low Density Matter

Research on gas phase molecules, aerosols, liquids and free clusters Investigating the interaction of light with molecules/clusters/liquids/aerosols and the determination of the properties of these systems and/or the dynamics that…

Dynamics and Disorder in Macromolecular Structures

with Dr Nick Pearce from SciLifeLab/Linköping University Displacement parameters (B-factors) play a crucial role in macromolecular structure determination, yet are rarely used for biological interpretation. This is somewhat egregious, since these…

Accelerator Development Group

…LINAC collective effect studies beam diagnostics beam dynamic studies determination and implementation of low emittance test optics dynamics of R1 injection design of the lattice for the upgrade of MAX…

Kilohertz serial crystallography to film nature’s choreography

…makes it possible to follow through proteins’ processes and dynamics, make it possible for a new chapter of structural biology, including ultra-high-throughput screening, serial crystallography structure determination of true microcrystals,…

Experimental station

MicroMAX combines three important aspects of structure determination: structures from macromolecules that can only be crystallised in the form of microcrystals, room temperature structures, and time resolved structures down to…

Science at CoSAXS

…Lund University Co-supervisor: Ann Terry, CoSAXS Project title: Determination of size and shape of cellulose aggregates to obtain advanced high-performance composites Young researcher: Karin Sahlin Primary supervisor: Gunnar Westman, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers…