HPC Basics

…–tasks-per-node=48 #SBATCH –nodelist=cn8,cn9 # filenames stdout and stderr – customise, include %j #SBATCH -o process_%j.out #SBATCH -e process_%j.err # write this script to stdout-file – useful for scripting errors cat $0…

User Policies

…of their institution or procure such authorization. We therefore strongly encourage users to apply for access in DUO as early as possible. User expenditure invoicing Providing users with instrumentation and…

Collaborations offering beamtime

…for Danish privileged access All proposal must be submitted through the MAX IV Digital User Office (DUO) system and follow the guidelines and rules for the MAX IV User Science…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…to the online HPC cluster from the biomax-remote server via Thinlinc (in the top bar menu, select Applications -> Internet -> Thinlinc client. Use clu0-fe-1 as the server and log…

User information

…(See: https://www.maxiv.lu.se/users/proposal-calls/) Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to be chosen by the advisory committee. If access…

User information

…samples used. Samples need to be declared two weeks in advance, except non-hazardous samples, which can be declared up to three days before the experiment. In addition, creating the experimental…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…research capabilities with LEAPS members for industry as collaborator, supplier and user. MAX IV contributes transversely to the project, leads WP7 (Data Reduction and Compression) and WP9 (Innovation by Co-creation…


…the computer resources MAX IV users can use the MAX IV Local Computer round SUPR -> Rounds -> Compute Rounds -> Centre Local Compute -> MAX IV compute Acknowledgement for the…

Safety requirements for users

…is therefore crucial for information in DUO to be detailed and accurate for safety review at proposal stage. Post declared sample, gases, chemicals and substances will be reviewed to determine…