Universities and partners

The enabling forces behind the PRISMAS program are eight Swedish universities, industrial partners, and the large-scale research infrastructure MAX IV – all dedicated to the future of synchrotron research for…

Science at NanoMAX

X‐ray imaging approaching the low nanometer range is one of the most rapidly and strongly developing areas at all modern synchrotrons, e.g., ESRF, PETRA III, APS, Soleil or NSLS II….

Access modes

Below are the access modes the beamline participates in, and potentially useful notes regarding what is offered for each: Fast access chevron_right Apart from “normal” proposals, from autumn 2022 we…

Guns and linear accelerator

The MAX IV linac serves two purposes: it’s a continuous top-up injector to both storage rings, but it also accelerates and compresses electron bunches for the short-pulse facility. The linac…

MAX IV – Main

Excellent progress noted in the first MAX IV operation review chevron_right The Swedish Research Council performed an operation review of MAX IV on 7–8 May 2024. Interim Science Director Joachim…

Proposal Writing Guide

Do you want to write better proposals? We have gathered information that will help you maximize your chance of getting beamtime at MAX IV. This material is based on the…

Access modes

Below are the access modes the beamline participates in, and potentially useful notes regarding what is offered for each: Standard access chevron_right The standard peer reviewed access mode at MAX…

Industrial use of spectroscopy at LSI

MetalBeams invites you to the Autumn 2021 online seminar Industrial use of spectroscopy at LSI Confirmed speakers include representatives from MAX IV, RISE, Lund University, Uppsala University, KTH, SWERIM, Vinnova,…