Research projects

…Research Area: Healthy People Supervisor: Prof. Pål Stenmark Partner University: PRISMAS Student: Stockholm University Julian Marius Ludäscher Cancer cells have an increased demand for DNA synthesis and DNA repair compared

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…been identified to act in weakly bound matter upon VUV or X-ray photoionization. Their role in radiation biology and other fields is lively debated. I will report on recent progress…

Safety requirements for employees

…to a controlled area are marked “Kontrollerat område” (controlled area) and are equipped with information lights above the door. Accelerator Access Door Beamline Access Door Open concrete door to an…

Safety requirements for contractors

…lights above the door. Accelerator Access Door Beamline Access Door Open concrete door to an accelerator Area 8. Radiation outside controlled areas The dose constraint implemented at MAX IV is…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…representatives for the nationally operated optical laser and free-electron laser RIs. Project duration: 2015-2018 For information about projects offering transnational access or privileged access please visit Collaborations offering beamtime…


…the computer resources MAX IV users can use the MAX IV Local Computer round SUPR -> Rounds -> Compute Rounds -> Centre Local Compute -> MAX IV compute Acknowledgement for the…

Advisory bodies

…procedure. To assist in the allocation of beamtime, a MAX IV Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) is appointed. The committee reviews and evaluates submitted proposals and provides recommendations for the allocation…

Sample environments and equipment

…heads are used for alignment of the sample. The goniometer is not equipped with an encoder. For XRD-CT the linear stage is scanned continuously and rotation is done in steps….