MXCuBE3 at BioMAX – User Guide

…data collection. The rest of the selections in the menu are related to sample inclusion in a queue of automated or semiautomated tasks, as documented in the next section. Queueing…

PyMCA XRF imaging guide

…to get started with the practical moments of XRF imaging analysis. Useful links: PyMCA home page: PyMCA documentation: PyMCA mailing list: PyMCA program download: ImageJ, a…

Research projects

…Student: Lund University Evelina Gorjatsova   To meet sustainability goals, a transition into circular economy is urgently needed. Therefore, previously overlooked residual streams need to be used as raw materials….

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…SSX experiments, several input files for CrystFEL are generated automatically for each data set collected. The files are located in raw images folder, in a subdirectory called process. For example,…

Safety requirements for employees

…one of three categories: Controlled areas (high radiation level areas) Supervised areas (increased radiation levels may be present) Non-designated areas The figure shows the controlled areas (red) in the basement…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

Full remote control is implemented at BioMAX for most experiments and it is enabled by default for all users during their beamtime. This document describes the software required for remote…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…Engineered nanoparticles are increasingly being used for different applications. Over time they will be released into the environment. Some of the engineered nanoparticles are developed and introduced into the environment…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…of all (optical and X-ray) advanced laser light source RIs in Europe. Besides addressing the most urgent technical challenges, EUCALL developed and implemented cross-cutting services for photon-oriented ESFRI projects, optimized

Practical information

…you start your trip and that no tickets are sold on the tram. Taxi To book a taxi, contact Cabonline +46 8 744 9560 or book online at The…


There are a number of wireless networks on-site. Here is some information on the differences between the different networks. Available Wireless Network SSIDs maxiv_user Intended for use by visiting scientists…