Relocation process

…how the Swedish bank system works. How to get a bank account and a loan. Expert advice with regard to tax issues, pension, a “cost of living calculation” based on your…

The new MAX IV website

Since the website is newly launched, we keep working to optimize its functionality and content. Please expect errors and use the search bar function should you not find the information…

Detector operations and support

…have a range of silicon drift and Germanium detectors working with digital pulse processors from Quantum Detectors and Xia. Custom L-shaped Dectris Pilatus for combined SAXS-WAXS at the CoSAXS beamline…

Fast Access

Work in Progress Follow this link to read more about all MAX IV Access modes….

ReMade@ARI Call for Proposals

Are you motivated to develop materials for a circular economy? Do you have an innovative scientific idea, potentially even with an industrial impact? The ReMade project is committed to supporting…

Course catalogue

…MAX IV and the eight universities involved in the PRISMAS program (See Universities and partners) and are open for all PRISMAS fellows. They allow you to network, benefit from peer-to-peer…

Meet our employees

Find out more about the staff working at MAX IV from the videos below. It takes a lot of different people and skills, performing many different jobs, to make a…

Radio Frequency

…RF designs requires custom PCB layouts. The RF group is making designs of strip line kickers, RF cavities using Comsol©, CST microwave studio© and Superfish. Wake field calculations using CST…