Advisory bodies

MAC – MAX IV Machine Advisory Committee The MAX IV Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) supervises and follows the commissioning, operation and upgrades of the accelerators at the MAX IV facility….

Sample environments and equipment

All sample positioners and sample environments for the PXRD2D instrument are aligned using the main hexapod. Specifications of the hexapod can be found here: The hexapod can translate up to…

sftp data transfer

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a commonly used protocol for transferring data. There are clients available for almost any platform that one can think of. It is available as…

Collaborations offering beamtime

MAX IV collaborates with various consortia and projects through which users can apply for privileged beamtime access or other forms of support. Privileged access Listed below are the privileged access…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

Full remote control is implemented at BioMAX for most experiments and it is enabled by default for all users during their beamtime. This document describes the software required for remote…