Come and meet us in Lund to explore how x-ray and neutron scattering can reveal the complexity of food materials
Are you working with food research in industry or academia? Are you curious about how x-ray and neutron scattering could improve your research and your knowledge of food materials? Please come and join our third food masterclass!
Who? We welcome all curious scientists from industry and academia! You should be new to, or starting to work with, x-ray and neutron methods, and interested in studying food structure in the entire value chain, from production to consumption.
The masterclass is organized with funding support from Tillväxtverket, Vinnova, EU Regional Development Fund, Region Skåne and LINXS, and is free of charge.
Date: August 29-September 2, 2022
Application deadline: is August 15
Location: Lund
To apply and for more information, please read here!