
MicroMAX will open up new possibilities in the area of structural biology making it possible to study proteins in 3D and to follow them in time. MicroMAX will allow studying the molecules that are most interesting but most difficult to study because they only provide microcrystals. MicroMAX will provide a very small but parallel and


FinEstBeAMS is a materials and atmospheric science beamline at the MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring. It provides ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation with precisely controlled and widely variable parameters. The beamline has two branches: one branch is dedicated to ultra-high vacuum studies of surfaces and interfaces and the other to gas-phase experiments and photoluminescence


The CoSAXS beamline is a state-of-the-art multipurpose Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) instrument with opportunities to use the inherent high coherent properties of the 3 GeV MAX IV ring through X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) experiments. It offers high brilliance, monochromatic and tuneable X-rays, with outstanding performance in low beam divergence, high X-ray flux, and