Research projects

…fragment libraries will be designed to enable hit elaboration by using commercial libraries containing billions of compounds. By using this approach, inhibitor development based on structure-based design will be faster…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…beamline Keywords: self-assembling repetitive molecular assemblies, myelin, biophysics, structural biology Biological structures with self-assembling repetitive molecular assemblies are intriguing subjects for structural biology research. But how do such biostructures form and function at the molecular…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…workshops and write tutorials to increase the user base of the computational techniques. The planned work will be carried out by an international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral team of experts in…

Safety requirements for employees

…uppfyller kriterierna för biosäkerhetsnivå 1, BSL-1. Det är tillåtet att hantera biologiska ämnen vid strålröret och i preparationslab men mer omfattande manipulering måste utföras i Biolab. Bokning av plats i…

Safety requirements for contractors

…done in the Biolab. Request in access to the Biolab can be made via the Biolab Manager. A separate training on site and an approved experimental risk assessment are needed…


…MAX IV users can use the MAX IV Local Computer round SUPR -> Rounds -> Compute Rounds -> Centre Local Compute -> MAX IV compute Acknowledgement for the use of LUNARC…

Data Handling

…devices. If accessing from any of the beamline computers, all data files can be found in the MAX IV data storage in the location: /data/visitors/balder/<Proposal-ID>/<Visit>/ <Proposal-ID> can be seen in…

Meet the students

…Germany, specialising in structural biology. My PhD in Biochemistry at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Stockholm University, focuses on structure-based development of anticancer drugs, including various biochemical methods, but…