User information AFM

…2023 (See: Most of the beamlines at MAX IV Laboratory are oversubscribed, so proposals should be compelling and carefully written in order to be chosen by the advisory committee….

Microscopy labs

…infrastructure that is largely independent of the ring(s) operation. Nevertheless, the machines must be prefenrentially booked and used under proposed and accepted project at beamline(s). The menu to the left…


DanMAX is a materials science beamline, dedicated to in situ and operando experiments on real materials. The beamline will operate in the 15–35 keV range and have three endstation instruments:…

Data handling and processing at BioMAX

…processing are stored under the ‘/data/visitors/biomax/’proposal’/’date’/process’ subdirectory (or ‘/data/proprietary/biomax/’proposal’/’date’/process’ for proprietary proposals) , but you can also inspect the results in EXI running on a remote browser and download them…

Science at Balder

…is a photon-in/photon-out spectroscopic technique where the incoming X-rays from the monochomator are based on the perfect crystal Bragg optics and the emitted X-rays are similarly detected by the spectrometer…

User information

…benifit from specific capabilities of either beamline (e.g. photon or sample environment requirements), or without a preference in which case the proposal will be considered for both beamlines. Fast Access…

SINCRYS – Single (micro) crystal X-ray diffraction

…effectively depleting the main beam of photons inside the spectral window. The remaining undulator spectrum will be unaffected, consequently both the main- and the side-station will be operable in parallel,…