Research projects

…single biomolecules. Liquid-liquid phase separation mediated by phosphorylated intrinsically disordered proteins chevron_right Project title: Liquid-liquid phase separation mediated by phosphorylated intrinsically disordered proteins PRISMAS Research Area: Healthy People Supervisor: Prof….

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…M Kapuscinski, L Bergström, Nature Comm., 10, 4228 (2019) 3. M Kapuscinski, P Munier, M Segad, L Bergström, Nano Lett., 20, 10, 7359–7366 (2020) Monday, 14 December 2020 at 13:45 CET Electronically…

Safety requirements for employees

…one of the containers dedicated to temporary storage of potentially activated material. These are located by the main accelerator area entrances. All items must be marked with the designated labels…

Safety requirements for contractors

…av strålsäkerhetsteamet. Detta gäller material som funnits inom ett acceleratorområde medan motsvarande del av acceleratorn varit i drift. Kontakta alltid strålsäkerhetsteamet när sådant material skall avlägsnas från ett acceleratorområde. Om…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…office for the consortium and provides an expert hub for cellulose based materials. MAX IV also offers access to two of its 16 beamlines to contribute to Circular Economy motivated


…it is handled via the SUPR system provided by a National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS). Getting access: Swedish academia users are served by LUNARC & NAISS and they may proceed

Advisory bodies

MAC – MAX IV Machine Advisory Committee The MAX IV Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) supervises and follows the commissioning, operation and upgrades of the accelerators at the MAX IV facility….

Sample environments and equipment

…ideally be smaller than 75 mm (<Ø 150 mm diameter). The distance from the base to the beam should be between 100 mm and 250 mm. Weight: The maximum weight…