Safety requirements for users

…associated safety risks in DUO. The information provided, will be used to categorize the experiment based on the risks into three (3) categories, namely Green, Yellow and Red Experiments. It…

Bio & Chem labs

…the box of “Lab access” in their ESRA form as below. Once lab access request is indicated in the ESRA, users will receive a confirmation email from the Bio/Chem Support…

User information

…A booking without proposal number will not be accepted. If you have already submitted an experimental safety risk assessment form (ESRA) then your booking will be automatically approved. If you…

Guides and Checklists

…scripts (if needed), Elogy Collected all samples and user equipment Waste sorted and labelled, handed over to LC Expt. hutch left clean, equipment/tools back in place   Additional information for…


…MaxIV, Solaris, ESRF). memory Electronics IcePap chevron_right IcePAP is a motor controller/driver system developed at ESRF and optimised for high resolution positioning applications. Motion control at MAX IV uses almost…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…was to remove barriers for access to world-class accelerator-based light sources in Europe and in the Middle East. To this end, more than 179,000 hours of trans-national access have been…

Access modes

…justification is needed. During subsequent allocation rounds, a progress report should be submitted The DanMAX DK PAC is encouraged to review the scientific quality of the approved LTPs and give…

Post beamtime

…overviews and evalutating ongoing experiments. The tool (called scanViewer) can be downloaded here. It is only developed and tested on Linux, but users have reported using it successfully with Mac