Research projects

…of human MTH1 and the 8-oxo-dGMP product complex. FEBS Lett 585(16):2617-2621. Carter M, et al. (2015) Crystal structure, biochemical and cellular activities demonstrate separate functions of MTH1 and MTH2. Nature…

Safety requirements for employees

…Överfyll inte. Måste kunna stängas. Plastbehållare för flytande kemiskt avfall, nanopartikelavfall eller illaluktande kemiskt avfall. Fyll i etiketten med information om innehåll. Behållare för vassa föremål och nålar. Skåp för…

Safety requirements for contractors

…utan att först detta godkänts av KS gruppen. Rutiner för hantering av gasflaskor är för tillfället under utveckling. 2. Truckladdningsstationer Laddningsstationer för truckar finns utplacerat i A- och D- byggnaderna….

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…aqueous solution and solid state [1,2]. [1] I. Persson, D. Lundberg, É. G. Bajnoczi, K. Klementiev, J. Just and K. G. V. Sigfridsson Clauss, EXAFS study on the coordination chemistry…

Prepare sample shipments with EXI at MAX IV

…sample information to use the sample changer. From the Shipment drop down menu, select Shipments and Add new. Fill in the shipment form. This information will be shown in the…

MAX IV involvement in European projects

…scientific excellence and translational research potential. Performing networking and training activities, such as practical courses and workshops, to enlarge and strengthen the structural biology community. Undertaking joint research activities, to…

Remote Experiments at BioMAX

…to the online HPC cluster from the biomax-remote server via Thinlinc (in the top bar menu, select Applications -> Internet -> Thinlinc client. Use clu0-fe-1 as the server and log…

MXCuBE3 at BioMAX – User Guide

…data in EXI, call staff. Video tutorials chevron_right Mounting samples with the Sample Changer. Three-click center procedure. Gris (mesh) scan. Energy scan. Setting up a helical scan with grid scans….

Importing sample information list as a CSV file

does not depend on any program. Format chevron_right Note: All the fields in the CSV file are case-sensitive Value DescriptionExample Parcel (compulsory) Identifier of the parcel. If it does not…