Safety requirements for contractors

till att någon möter ambulansen och visar vägen till den skadade. Rapportering av tillbud och arbetsskador Tillbud Tillbud är situationer eller händelser som kunde ha lett till en olycka eller…

Safety requirements for employees

…utgör ej indelat område (grönt). Alla ingångar till skyddat och kontrollerat område är märkta enligt nedan. 5. Tillträde till skyddat område Tillträde till skyddat område medges endast till den som…

Previous SCIENTÍFika

…fcc-site is superposed on the feature from O on the bridge site between two surface Ti atoms. Furthermore, the computed valence band UPS/XPS spectra show that OH as termination species would…

Research projects

…valid for complex next-generation device structures such as tunnel field effect transistors (FETs), ferroelectric FETs, or resistive memories, which are strongly needed for realizing neuromorphic networks and energy-efficient internet-of-things applications….

MAX IV involvement in European projects

The active participation of MAX IV in a number of international networks and the networking efforts of the facility staff to exchange knowledge with peers in their field from foreign…

sftp data transfer

…Escape to local shell ? Synonym for help SFTP clients for Windows and MacOS Some popular SFTP clients for Windows and MacOS platforms are WinSCP (Windows) FileZilla (Windows, MacOS, Linux) CyberDuck (MacOS, Windows)…

Sample environments and equipment

…Cryostream positioned co-axially the capillary should be longer to limit the cooling of the base and goniometer head. XY stage (PXRD2D): 2D scanning stage based on two Standa 8MT50 stages with…

Practical information

…as per agreement with the Reception. If returning the keys outside of reception opening hours, please place them in the red “mail box” situated at the reception counter Map…

The new MAX IV website

Since the website is newly launched, we keep working to optimize its functionality and content. Please expect errors and use the search bar function should you not find the information…